Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Onika Maraj --- Nicki Minaj

Every morning when I wake up I have to listen to my favorite rap artist Nicki Minaj. Born December 8, 1982 Onika Tanya Maraj was born in Trinidad. This artist is not your typical artist, she is uniquely different. She has personalities that we may see depending on the type of song she is performing. Her original personality is “Cookie”, also she has “Roman Zolanski” and “Harajuku Barbie”.
In her childhood she went through a series of events. Her father was abusive to her mother and he allegedly tried to kill her mother by burning down the house. Her father also took drugs and was a alcoholic. Growing up she stayed with her grandparents until the age of 5, when her mother came to Trinidad and got her and moved her to Queens,NY. Maraj also says she misses being home in Trinidad, because that had become her life.
In 2007 she first got noticed and released her first mixtape “Playtime is Over” with dirty money records. She reported that she got $1,000,000,000 off her first mixtape. She officially signed to young money records in the year of 2009. With the anticipation of all her fans, she came out with her first album “Pink Friday” in 2010. Her album was very successful hitting number 14 on the Billboard Hot 100. So far her career has been very successful. She always says “Im fighting for the girls that never thought they could win”. In other words, she is letting young females MC’s that its not over and that they can be as good of a rapper as male rap artists.
Maraj is a very unique artist. From her crazy personalities to the way she dresses. She isn’t afraid to be different. She has a crazy side, yet that side is sexy and classy also. She said some of the MC’s from the past would dress and look certain ways forcing the young females watching them to think its ok to dress like a “hoe”, she doesn’t want that image being made. At an award show she always look stunning but in a weird way. Maraj has also been said to be the “rap version of Lady Gaga”. I must agree with this but only to a certain extent.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Me & Don-Don:)

This picture is a picture of me and my little twin. He is 17 & im 19 which means were really not twins, but we act so much alike we really should be. His name is Donald but he goes by Don-Don. Growing up, he would always get on my nerves & make me think when i got older i would want to be as far away from his as possible. That is so not the case. I go to school at USI & everyday i miss my lil bro. Although growing up he got on my nerves & always aggravated me, him & i are the closet out of all of my siblings. I would do any & everything for him, because i love him alot. The day we took this picture, we was at my bestfriends apt in Copper Creek & my bro came out here from Henderson to see me. He came in the door & he had on some pink sunglasses. Even though i wear glasses, i took the one's he had on & took pictures in them. Of course while taking the pictures, bro comes in the bathroom & gets in them. We took about 5 or 6 pictures, then shortly after he left.:( I love my brother very very much. In my words "he goes hard in the paint".

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Perfect Apartment

I live in an on-campus apartment and lets just say it can be better. I live in 8125A Dunning. I share this apt with Rebecca Klaiber. Our front room has no carpet. The rooms are extremely small for two people. The bathrooms are even smaller. Our kitchen is a decent size, but it can be bigger also. The front door we use to come in the apt is hard to open and close. Its almost like something is stuck in the cracks of the door. When i lock the door, sometimes when i think i locked it, i really didn't, and that could end tragically.
My perfect apt is as follows...
When i walk into the front room, there is a really pretty pink and green rug. The walls are painted with a color that corresponds with the carpet. Then as i walk into the kitchen, there is black and red appliances with a new stove and fridge. Everything is so pretty and all the colors match, perfectly. Now, i have come to my bedroom. It will have purple and blue rug and the walls correspond with them. My room is the size of the kitchen and sitting room joined. It is really big. I have a queen size bed with pretty comfortable bed sheets. My closet is a walk thru, full of clothes, shoes, and accessories. After all of that, i still have the bathroom. I walk in the bathroom and it is just about the best room in the apt. The walls painted champagne, the curtains and rugs all matching. This room is huge, with enough space to run laps. This is the perfect apartment.   

Monday, September 5, 2011

What is Writing

 Stephen King is a very straight to the point kind of guy. I like this about him because i can relate to him. I actually feel the same way about some things he said in his writing. For instance, i have to be in a certain environment in order for me to write or read and be able to pay attention. The kind of setting i need is to be alone, maybe a little music playing, and sitting at a desk so that i can focus on what I'm doing. King has a sense of humor but i can also tell that he is serious about what he does. At the end of the writing he said "This isn't a popularity contest, its not the moral Olympics... But its writing, damn it, not washing the car..". I feel like that showed me his passion for writing and that he doesn't put up with people who bs writing and reading. Basically, he is saying if your going to play around with reading and writing, then find something better to do with your time, like maybe washing the car. Also he is saying that writing isn't hard to do, if you can get yourself in the right environment to focus, it should come naturally. Lastly, i really enjoyed this text because he was straight to the point and very blunt about his beliefs and how he feels about people who slack.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Reading Memoir

I never really liked to read growing up, but as i have gotten older it has gotten better. When i say that i mean with a few conditions. The only way i like to read is when it is something i find interesting. As i was growing up i remember reading books but only when it was a book i liked. It kind of varies what kind of genres i enjoy. One of the books i really enjoyed reading was "A Child Called It" by David Pelzer. At first i didnt really understand why i liked it being that i wasnt much of a reader. Everytime i picked that book up i could read it for hours. I would find myself reading it more then i did anything else.Another book i enjoyed in high school was the "Twilight Saga". At first i wasnt really into them, but as i began to really read and focus on what i was thinking, i liked them.
Now that i have gotten older, i realize that reading can and should be more then something i have to do. I think every person should read something every once in a while. Also i am glad that i realized that as long as it is a genre i enjoy, i can read it and not have to get tired of it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Exercise 1.2

The room i think of is my grandads room. As a kid, i remember there being two beds, three tv's, a fridge with all the goodies, the smell of his old spice cologne. The most surprising thing i remember is my grandfather has diabetes and he is on the insulin shot. When we would be around while he was taking the shot, he would make a noise like it hurt him. Trying to scare us, but we never was because we knew he was just kidding around. He would even chase us with the needle & we would be running all the around the room laughing and having a good time with grandad. Good memories.

Step 1 and 2

I never really agreed with how people say that "writers are born writers". I feel like that doesn't necessarily have to be true. There are some writers that are born writers, but also there are some writers that actually found an interest in writing while growing up. However, i do believe if you practice on writing, you can become a better writer. In any situation i think that practice makes perfect, including writing. When you practice something over and over, you will get better at it. Period.