Thursday, October 13, 2011

Me & Don-Don:)

This picture is a picture of me and my little twin. He is 17 & im 19 which means were really not twins, but we act so much alike we really should be. His name is Donald but he goes by Don-Don. Growing up, he would always get on my nerves & make me think when i got older i would want to be as far away from his as possible. That is so not the case. I go to school at USI & everyday i miss my lil bro. Although growing up he got on my nerves & always aggravated me, him & i are the closet out of all of my siblings. I would do any & everything for him, because i love him alot. The day we took this picture, we was at my bestfriends apt in Copper Creek & my bro came out here from Henderson to see me. He came in the door & he had on some pink sunglasses. Even though i wear glasses, i took the one's he had on & took pictures in them. Of course while taking the pictures, bro comes in the bathroom & gets in them. We took about 5 or 6 pictures, then shortly after he left.:( I love my brother very very much. In my words "he goes hard in the paint".

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