Thursday, September 1, 2011

Reading Memoir

I never really liked to read growing up, but as i have gotten older it has gotten better. When i say that i mean with a few conditions. The only way i like to read is when it is something i find interesting. As i was growing up i remember reading books but only when it was a book i liked. It kind of varies what kind of genres i enjoy. One of the books i really enjoyed reading was "A Child Called It" by David Pelzer. At first i didnt really understand why i liked it being that i wasnt much of a reader. Everytime i picked that book up i could read it for hours. I would find myself reading it more then i did anything else.Another book i enjoyed in high school was the "Twilight Saga". At first i wasnt really into them, but as i began to really read and focus on what i was thinking, i liked them.
Now that i have gotten older, i realize that reading can and should be more then something i have to do. I think every person should read something every once in a while. Also i am glad that i realized that as long as it is a genre i enjoy, i can read it and not have to get tired of it.

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