Thursday, August 25, 2011

Exercise 1.2

The room i think of is my grandads room. As a kid, i remember there being two beds, three tv's, a fridge with all the goodies, the smell of his old spice cologne. The most surprising thing i remember is my grandfather has diabetes and he is on the insulin shot. When we would be around while he was taking the shot, he would make a noise like it hurt him. Trying to scare us, but we never was because we knew he was just kidding around. He would even chase us with the needle & we would be running all the around the room laughing and having a good time with grandad. Good memories.

Step 1 and 2

I never really agreed with how people say that "writers are born writers". I feel like that doesn't necessarily have to be true. There are some writers that are born writers, but also there are some writers that actually found an interest in writing while growing up. However, i do believe if you practice on writing, you can become a better writer. In any situation i think that practice makes perfect, including writing. When you practice something over and over, you will get better at it. Period.